Hex Script
Is a plugin for HeXHub 5.01j or newer (it will not load on older versions!).
Currently you can write Lua 5.1.3 scripts that can interact with the NMDC interface of the hub.
The plugin can be configured from the HeXHub GUI under the 'extra' section. If you found a bug please report it to me in hex admins hub.
If you are a Lua scripter you might want to check out the Hex Script NMDC Lua scripting reference
Hex Script Changelog
2008-08-19 Hex Script
fixed some gui related things. Thanks to Mutor for reporting these errors.
fixed error in maxpassive.lua. Thanks to Mutor for reporting this error.
changed logfile errors is now more verbose.
fixed error while opening logfile on some systems. Thanks to Mutor for reporting this error.
2008-08-18 Hex Script
fixed error in history.lua
added script maxpassive.lua - a script that can limit the amount of passive users allowed into the hub (this script may not work with hexhub <=5.01 due to a hexhub bug).
added triggers (!startscripts/!stopscripts) for starting/stopping scripts - the right adm6 (can change hub settings) is required to use the triggers.
added BannedUserJoins0, BannedUserJoins1, BannedUserJoins2 callbacks. Requested by CrazyGuy
corrected documentation. Thanks to CrazyGuy for reporting this error.
fixed error in GUI settings for asynchronous operations.
added memory information to gui
added list of active scripts to gui
fixed COM error while reiniting the plugin. Thanks to CrazyGuy for reporting this error.
added more error messages for initialization errors.
added function to get the hubs default language. Requested by CrazyGuy.
added !scriptlog trigger displays whatever text there is in script log window (gui) (unfortuneatly this means no scriptlog for win2k users) - the right adm6 (can change hub settings) is required to use the triggers.
added option to disable !scriptlog trigger
the following changes apply only to the plugin if its running on Windows XP or newer ***
removed console window.
added script log window (replacement for console).
changed stdout and stderr is now redirected to the script log window (lua scripts can for example use print()).
removed redirection of stdin.
added logfile ..log
2008-06-03 Hex Script
fixed if the scripts was stopped/restarted the compilers code optimization caused the critical section not be entered. If there was a hexhub callback while stopping the scripts the plugin would crash. Thanks to CrazyGuy for reporting this error.
added options to GUI for setting rules for asynchronous operations.
added asynchronous http/ftp downloader
added asynchronous executer - allows scripts to execute an external application with out doing a blocking call
added inter-script communication - One script can send a message to another
2008-05-25 Hex Script
fixed error in User:Ban*() functions.
fixed the plugin could crash if unloaded/reinited while a active timer was executing - thanks to CrazyGuy for reporting this error.
added script control to the gui - (re)start/stop all scripts.
fixed if there was a error in the script body it would cause the plugin to crash.
removed apply button from gui - options now apply as they are changed.
added function Hex.GetUserID(sNickname) - find the user id of a nickname
added function Hex.SetAboutString(sAbout) - the string will be displayed in !about trigger
2008-05-20 Hex Script
Fixed error in Profile:Next(), if used it could cause a infinite loop.
Changed OnLoad() and OnError() callbacks - they do now return a boolean - requested by CrazyGuy.
Fixed corruption of lua stack while calling OnError() in script.
Patch Lua 5.1.3 patch of 2008 May 7th http://www.lua.org/ftp/patch-lua-5.1.3
Added Timer object - requested by CrazyGuy.
2008-05-19 Hex Script Public Beta 3
Added configuation from hexhub gui.
Removed "$To:" from forbidden words to broadcast.
Added Trigger object - scripts can now register !triggers.
Added Iterating through users with User object.
Added to User object BanIP(), BanNick(), BanNickIP().
Corrected documentation - OnError() event was missing, thanks to CrazyGuy for reporting this.
Added Profile object.
Added Hex.GetScriptsFolder() - requested by CrazyGuy.
Added option to disable always on top - requested by CrazyGuy.
2008-05-18 Hex Script Private Beta 2
Added HelpString object.
Added more functions to the User object - all features is now supported.
Added Hex.GetVersion() - returns a string with hexhubs version.
Added Right's object - check or change a users rights.
Added UserCommand object - can be used to register $UserCommand hub will sent to users during login.
Hex Script Copyright (C) 2008 Morten Larsen
Hex Script includes Lua Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio.
Generated on Thu Aug 21 11:24:07 2008 for HeXHub/HexScript by
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